Thanks Paola!
Now for my nominees for the award:
Karen of Bakersfield Dressage, who inspires me to improve my riding through positive analysis of performance and training progress. Many of her posts help me see things in new ways.

The Sunshine Award is for people who "positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere."
The nominee must do the following:
thank the person who nominated her,
nominate ten bloggers of her own,
answer the ten questions given to her,
and post them and the Sunshine Award button to her blog.
The 10 Questions:
- Mares or Geldings? I like both very much, with maybe a very small lean towards geldings.
- English or Western? Again, both! Though currently I compete in an English discipline.
- Do you prefer "younger" or "older" horses? Yet again, both! I love horses of all ages, though for purposes of having a long-lasting partnership, I knew that I wanted a "young adult" horse (age ~7) when getting Hemie. I didn't want a baby and I didn't want a senior.
- Have you trained a horse from ground zero? No, though I've ridden a good number of greenies.
- Do you prefer riding or groundwork? I prefer to ride. Groundwork is useful and can be fun, but I enjoy riding much more than I enjoy groundwork.
- Do you board your horse or keep it at home? I board. I've mucked enough stalls in my life, I think. I really appreciate being able to afford to pay others to do that now!
- Do you do all natural things or just commercial stuff?(in sense of products) Whichever one is more effective at it's task and comes well recommended.
- All tacked up or bareback? Both! It depends on the horse, for both shape and temperament.
- Equestrian role model? Wow this is a tough question, actually. There are lots of top riders and trainers I respect and follow (Jimmy Wofford, George Morris, Anne Kursinski, Buck Davidson, Karen O'Connor, Hawley Bennet, etc etc), but I think I'm going to go with Bunnie Sexton, a West Coast rider and trainer based out of Shepherd Ranch in Santa Ynez, who in her 50s is competing at 3-star level for the first time. She truly is an inspiration.
- What's your one, main goal, while being in the horse world? My overall goal is to have a fun and rewarding relationship with my horse, preferably with us both learning and improving at whatever we are working on.
Now for my nominees for the award:
Karen of Bakersfield Dressage, who inspires me to improve my riding through positive analysis of performance and training progress. Many of her posts help me see things in new ways.
Carly of Poor Woman Showing, who has given me many a chuckle, and reminds me to stick to my guns and trust my gut when it comes to being a steward for your horse. And to have a sense of humor about horsey life.
Aimee of SprinklerBandits, who has long inspired me to improve my writing style, to have higher standards for tack and equipment, and to stay positive in light of horsey-life letdowns.
L. Williams of Viva Carlos, who inspires me to be more consistent blogger, with better visuals and graphics, as well as to work on myself physically and educationally to ensure I'm the best rider that I can be for my horse and our show goals.
Laura of The Roany Pony, who has inspired many post topics, as well as my own introspection about horse partnership suitability. She also inspires me to be a craftier blogger.
Lauren of She Moved to Texas comes up with lots of fabulous post topics that inspire lots of other bloggers, and also has great tips on various elements of better blogging.
Andrea of The Reeling - Has long inspired me to be open-minded about various topics: barefoot, multi-disciplinary cross-training, and patience, patience, and more patience.
Nicku of The Polka Dot Periodical inspires me to have better work-horse-life balance, and to remember to surrender my worries to God.
Riding With Scissors reminds me that learning eventing as an adult is a grand adventure, and to not take yourself too seriously - enjoy the funny moments the most.
Lindsay of Nanakorobi yaoki - her title says it all: "fall seven times, rise eight"
Niamh of Life of Riley has a contagious positive attitude, enviable artistic sense, and inspires me to be grateful every day and see the positive.
PS. Yes, I know that was 11. Some rules are more guidelines, really.
Aimee of SprinklerBandits, who has long inspired me to improve my writing style, to have higher standards for tack and equipment, and to stay positive in light of horsey-life letdowns.
L. Williams of Viva Carlos, who inspires me to be more consistent blogger, with better visuals and graphics, as well as to work on myself physically and educationally to ensure I'm the best rider that I can be for my horse and our show goals.
Laura of The Roany Pony, who has inspired many post topics, as well as my own introspection about horse partnership suitability. She also inspires me to be a craftier blogger.
Lauren of She Moved to Texas comes up with lots of fabulous post topics that inspire lots of other bloggers, and also has great tips on various elements of better blogging.
Andrea of The Reeling - Has long inspired me to be open-minded about various topics: barefoot, multi-disciplinary cross-training, and patience, patience, and more patience.
Nicku of The Polka Dot Periodical inspires me to have better work-horse-life balance, and to remember to surrender my worries to God.
Riding With Scissors reminds me that learning eventing as an adult is a grand adventure, and to not take yourself too seriously - enjoy the funny moments the most.
Lindsay of Nanakorobi yaoki - her title says it all: "fall seven times, rise eight"
Niamh of Life of Riley has a contagious positive attitude, enviable artistic sense, and inspires me to be grateful every day and see the positive.
PS. Yes, I know that was 11. Some rules are more guidelines, really.
Right back at ya, girlfriend! :0)
ReplyDeleteThanks lady! Thank goodness for a great God who loves us and our ponies so much! I love Bunnie too! She's a neat lady!