Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Blog Hop: Whats In Your Bucket/Smartpak?

Hemie gets:

3 flakes alfalfa hay plus 2 flakes of grass and/or oat hay, spread over 3 meals, each day.

Bucket (~ 4 or 5 days a week):
One large scoop of shredded beet pulp, soaked in water.
One large scoop of pelleted rice bran.
California Trace multi-mineral supplement.

Redmond rock-on-a-rope mineral salt block.
Cookies. Lots of cookies.

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  1. Oh I forgot to mention the Redmond rock!

    His bucket looks yummy lol

  2. Replies
    1. Good question, especially since I don't have a scale. He gets one 4-quart scoop for the beet pulp, one 3-quart scoop for the rice bran, and two small scoops (a few oz. - can't remember dosage right now) of the CA trace supplement.
