Friday, May 31, 2013

Ventura CDS Dressage Schooling Show - Training Test 2

I'm pleased to report that Hemie and I did make overall improvement during our 2nd test - Training Level Test 2. One rider rode in between my two tests and during that time we focused on our free walk and stretchy trot. It paid off because we improved on both scores.

Here's the video:

Finally, a performance that actually reflects where we are in our training!

And our scores:

The judge was quite kind with the scoring. After all, at schooling shows they try to be encouraging to riders (especially when they are clearly on green horses). I'm very proud of my boy, and of myself.


  1. I like the Judge's comments. She seemed quite fair. You and Hemie look great. I think Fiction and I are around the same level in training as you and Hemie are - refreshing to see!

  2. Good job! Judges should be kind for schooling shows, they are about learning!

  3. A nice test, and the judge's comments seemed fair and constructive. What a great show for you and Hemie!
